The event was opened by Dr. Kumbi Kilongo, Manager of Ecosystem and Advisory Services from the Secretariat of the Benguela Current Convention (BCC), who stressed the importance of bringing synergies among the different initiatives, particularly “pilot projects”. “We will analyze the forms of collaboration between the institutions for materialization of what was planned”, he said.
As for the BCLME III project, Dr. Kumbi Kilongo explained that the pilot projects will focus in two areas: support for mariculture and contribution to the improvement of artisanal fisheries. The project and ongoing initiatives were presented by Viviane Kinyaga, Project Coordinator, who explained the objectives of the initiative and reported on the activities already carried out and the plans for the coming months. Representatives from other ongoing projects and state institutions also had the opportunity to talk about the work they are doing.
The meeting was productive and participants emphasized the need for the BCLME III project to partner with other projects to share the lessons learned, especially with FAO and UNDP projects, as well as the GIZ MARISMA project.
In the end, the participants recommended that private sector involvement be increased in the different projects, that the technicians visit the areas where pilot projects of the Institute of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture Development (IPA) are being implemented, as well as a greater dissemination of information on the BCLME Project III between the different ministries that work with BCC.
Representatives of the Ministry of Fisheries and the Sea of Angola, a representative of UNDP, project technicians being implemented by BCC as well as invited consultants participated in the meeting.